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2020: 8 Plays, 21 Credits, hundreds of views, and a Pandemic!

White Walls

LIC Secret Theater, NYC

Premier Stage, NJ

Ten Show - Nominated for Best Actor/Actress


Triple Sec

Soop to Nuts, NY



WAM Readers Theater, MI

Collaboration 6, MA

George's Radio

Whiskey Radio Hour, Chicago

Finding Zeus

WAM Readers Theater, MI

Third Citizen Theater, MA

Cool Metal

Playwright's Voice, Marjorie Dean Little Theater, NYC

Orange County Arts Council, NY

Collaboration 6, MA

NY Winterfest, NYC

Players Theater, NYC

Occupied Countries

Fifth Avenue Theater Festival, NYC

TASN Radio Project, MA
Short and Sweet - Shortlist, Australia 


Movie Reel

Jones Theater, CO

Pint-Sized Plays - Semifinalist, UK

Ixion Theater - Finalist

Croubait Club - Finalist

Collaboration 6.jpg


Where Art Meets

Occupied Countries - by jack rushton

Occupied Countries - by jack rushton

Play Video

2019: 13 Plays, 89 Performances, 43 Credits

Your Words, Not Mine

Woodside Players, NYC

Between Us Productions, NYC 

ATHE New Play Development/Finalist/First Alternate 


George’s Radio

VT Fantasy Fest, VT

Hercules Radio Playhouse, LA 

8 Easy Pieces Theatre Artists Workshop, CT 


The Difference

The Players Theater, NYC 

8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theatre Company, CT 

Paying Attention

Hercules Radio Playhouse, LA 

Making Amends

The Huntington Theater, MA 

Finding Zeus

Hercules Radio Playhouse, LA 

ArtAge Publications - Published 

8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theater Company, CT

Remembering Elizabeth

8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT


The Need Machine

The Players Theater, NYC - selected 

8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT 

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theater Company, CT

Theater People

Hercules Radio Playhouse, LA

The LIC Secret Theater-selected 

8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theatre Company, CT

Love Creek Productions, The Producer’s Club, NYC


White Walls

The Tens Show, The Beehive Collective, UT *Nominated for Best Actor and Actress in a Drama*


Triple Sec

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theatre Company, CT



8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT 

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theatre Company, CT 


ATP, VT - Semi-Finalist

​Stray Kats, CT - Finalist

LIC Secret Theater, NYC

​No Frills Productions, NYC

SummerFest, North Haven, ME

Collaboration 5, Newburyport MA

Northport One Act Play Festival, NY 

SAST, Garfield Center for the Arts, MD

​​Short & Sweet, Australia-Wild Card Selection

8 Easy Pieces, Theatre Artists Workshop, CT

7 Easy Pieces, Greenwich Theatre Company, CT

City Theater, Miami, FL *Finalist, National Award Short Play Writing*

ArtAge Publications - Published StrayKats Anthology, ArtAge Publications - Published

The Playwrights Platform Summer Festival, MA *Winner Best Play, Best Actor, Best Actress*

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